While in the evacuation zones from the Holiday Fire performing search and rescue, this little guy climbed up an Animal Welfare Officer’s leg. He clearly needed help so Lane County Animal Services (LCAS) contacted Greenhill and Lane County Animals in Disaster (LCAID) and brought him into town. The squirrel was then brought to a Wildlife Rehabilitator at the Cascades Raptor Center where he was wrapped up between hot water gloves in an incubator and rehydrated. An hour later he received his first very small meal of diluted formula and over the first evening, received tiny meals of formula every hour. Early the next morning he was already feeling much stronger and drank a large meal!
He continued to improve and by the time he was transferred to Chintimini Wildlife Center he was moving around on his own! He joined two other young pine squirrels at the center and is on his way to a full recovery!
Giant thanks to everyone who came together in a big way to save this very little (weighing just 54 grams) life! To help us care for more little lives, please donate at https://www.green-hill.org/donate.