Securing Your Pet’s Future
The Securing Your Pet's Future program provides pet owners the peace of mind that comes from knowing their cherished pets will be taken care of in their absence. By making arrangements in advance, Greenhill will receive, care for, and secure new homes for your surviving pet, whether a dog, cat, rabbit or other animal.

Caring for your pet
Your pet depends on your to meet their every need – food, water, shelter, companionship and love. Securing their future well-being is the ultimate compassionate act you can make on your friend’s behalf.
If you can't be there...
Our animal companions give us so much. They touch our hearts like no one else can with unconditional love, loyalty, joy and comfort. Most of us expect to outlive our animal companions. But what if due to illness or death, we are unable to care for them? Animals who outlive their owners often face uncertain fates. In the event of your death or inability to care for your pets, the ideal placement for your pets is with someone then know. If you don’t have someone to care for your pets, who can you trust to find your pet a new home where they’ll be loved and well-cared for?
Greenhill Humane Society has been finding companion animals loving homes since 1944 and has been protecting and advocating for companion animals ever since. Our adoption process is designed to carefully match adopters with animals who fit well with their lifestyle.
All animals who come to Greenhill through the Securing Your Pet’s Future program will receive the best care, special attention, and our commitments to finding your pet companion a new forever home.
Peace of Mind
In order to secure your pet’s future, you will meet with Greenhill Humane Society to talk about your pets and your desires for their care. Greenhill will put together a letter of agreement that is specific to you and your pets. You may choose to reference the letter of agreement in your Will if you wish. As your four-legged family changes over the years, you can update the agreement letter by contacting Greenhill.
For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact Monica Girard, Donor Engagement Manager at (541) 689-1503 x 125 or fill out the “click to enroll” button below to enter into the program.

I have joined the Securing Your Pet's Future Program because...
“When it came time for me to set up my ‘arrangements,’ I knew my pets needed to be considered. If I passed or somehow was unable to care for them, I wanted to be sure they would be cared for without placing a burden on my family. I immediately contacted Greenhill to help me navigate my way and now have peace of mind.”
-Melinda Dille
“As I have reached the GOLDEN years of my life, I got to thinking about what would happen to my six cats if I were to pass on and leave them. So I went to Greenhill and found out about the Securing Your Pet’s Future program. I was so relieved to know that Greenhill would take my cats and find good homes for them upon my passing.”
-Eula Thoms
“We hope we’ll be with our four-legged friends till the end of their days, but a real fear and concern has been what will happen to them if we check out first. It would be a lot to ask of our family and friends to care for or find new homes for our dogs if we passed. We were happy to find that Greenhill has a program called Securing Your Pet’s Future.”
-Carole Kramer and Charlie Walker